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Technical Program

Paper Detail

Paper IDD7-S6-T4.2
Paper Title Information Theoretic Approach on Randomized Response Models in Surveys
Authors Ceren Sevinc, Ertem Tuncel, University of California, Riverside, United States
Session D7-S6-T4: Information-Theoretic Privacy
Chaired Session: Tuesday, 20 July, 23:40 - 00:00
Engagement Session: Wednesday, 21 July, 00:00 - 00:20
Abstract Survey biases can appear in different forms, particularly as response or non-response biases. Such biases may occur when interviewees are asked questions on sensitive topics to which interviewees may self-censor their response or hesitate to answer altogether to avoid social undesirability and feeling of self-embarrassment, or simply to preserve their privacy. Several studies suggest that misreporting is widespread when the survey includes sensitive topics including race, gender, sexuality, political affiliation, etc. A randomized response (RR) method has been proposed by Warner to eliminate response and non-response biases by increasing cooperation and trust between interviewees and interviewers. In this paper, we investigate an information theoretic approach on RR methods for surveys requiring YES or NO responses to increase privacy and reduce biases.