Paper ID | D1-S4-T4.3 |
Paper Title |
A hierarchy of efficient bounds on quantum capacities exploiting symmetry |
Authors |
Omar Fawzi, Ala Shayeghi, Hoang Ta, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France |
Session |
D1-S4-T4: Quantum Capacity |
Chaired Session: |
Monday, 12 July, 23:00 - 23:20 |
Engagement Session: |
Monday, 12 July, 23:20 - 23:40 |
Abstract |
Optimal rates for achieving an information processing task are often characterized in terms of regularized information measures. In many cases of quantum tasks, we do not know how to compute such quantities. Here, we exploit the symmetries in the recently introduced divergence $D^{\#}$ in order to obtain a hierarchy of semidefinite programming bounds on various regularized quantities. As an application, we describe a general procedure to give efficient bounds on the regularized Umegaki channel divergence and on the classical capacity of quantum channels, and in particular we obtain slight improvements for the capacity of the amplitude damping channel.