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Technical Program

Paper Detail

Paper IDD3-S3-T1.3
Paper Title Zero-rate Reliability Function for Mismatched Decoding
Authors Marco Bondaschi, EPFL, Switzerland; Albert Guillén i Fàbregas, ICREA & UPF & Cambridge, Spain; Marco Dalai, University of Brescia, Italy
Session D3-S3-T1: Mismatched Decoding
Chaired Session: Wednesday, 14 July, 22:40 - 23:00
Engagement Session: Wednesday, 14 July, 23:00 - 23:20
Abstract We derive an upper bound on the reliability function of mismatched decoding for zero-rate codes. The bound is based on a result by Komlós that shows the existence of a subcode with certain symmetry properties. The bound is shown to coincide with the expurgated exponent at rate zero for a broad family of channel and decoding metric pairs.