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Technical Program

Paper Detail

Paper IDD3-S4-T3.3
Paper Title Probabilistic Group Testing with a Linear Number of Tests
Authors Larkin Flodin, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, United States; Arya Mazumdar, University of California, San Diego, United States
Session D3-S4-T3: Group Testing on Graphs
Chaired Session: Wednesday, 14 July, 23:00 - 23:20
Engagement Session: Wednesday, 14 July, 23:20 - 23:40
Abstract In probabilistic nonadaptive group testing (PGT), we aim to characterize the number of pooled tests necessary to identify a random k-sparse vector of defectives with high probability. Recent work has shown that n tests are necessary when k = ω(n/log n). It is also known that O(k log n) tests are necessary and sufficient in other regimes. This leaves open the important sparsity regime where the probability of a defective item is about 1/ log n (or k = Θ(n/ log n)) where the number of tests required is linear in n. In this work we aim to exactly characterize the number of tests in this sparsity regime. In particular, we seek to determine the number of defectives λ(α) n/log n that can be identified if the number of tests is alpha n. In the process, we give upper and lower bounds on the exact point at which individual testing becomes suboptimal, and the use of a carefully constructed pooled test design is beneficial.